Pumpjack in west Texas

Sustainable Oil&Gas

Oil and gas are the backbone of the world's energy production. Figures from the IEA shows a demand of more than 100 million barrels of oil per day globally.

Strategy towards stripperwells

Stripperwells even called low producing wells are wells that produce less than 10 Barrels Of Oil Per Day (BOPD).  In Texas alone there are 141,582 oil wells (last count), and 79.4% of these produce less than 10 BOPD which categorizes them as marginal or stripper wells. Many oil leases with stripper wells have been shut down or abandoned which makes the process easier to lease these wells. 

Why Nidhogg Resources find these wells interesting are the possibility of Re-work to increase the pressure in the formation or find new zones known as "behind pipe". By doing this this the well can double its production and lifetime.