LakeHillMine dustMine dust

Nidhogg Resources Holding AB

Nidhogg Resources Holding AB is a company with focus on natural resources in Sweden and other geographical jurisdictions.

The share is traded under the name Nidhogg Resources Holding AB. Ticker NIDHOG.

From Scandinavia with a focus on natural resources

At Nidhogg Resources, we specialize in the advancement and value enhancement of mineral assets, focusing on the exploration and extraction of natural resources in Sweden and other geographical jurisdictions. By leveraging innovative technologies where applicable, we capitalize on opportunities to extract resources such as iron, gold, copper, silica, and rare earth elements (REE), bringing our mineral assets into production or ready to be put into production.

The Company

Find out more about the company’s history, strategy and board members.

Operations and Projects

Minerals and Energy, read more of the projects that we work with.


Do not hesitate to contact us if you need to get in touch with us.

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Operations in mining and energy

Mine dust

In mining, we develop projects in proven areas with tailings and slag heaps, offering lower risk, faster permitting, and reduced costs compared to traditional exploration in parallel as we are aiming at restarting prematurely closed mines and identifying below market valued projects for potential investments.

In energy, we are committed to advancing innovation and sustainability in the energy sector by supporting a gradual transition to clean, renewable energy solutions that balance environmental and energy reliability needs.